'Mind The Gap' Workshop Series

To sensitize and enable the senior year students of colleges to be better prepared for post academic rigor in the corporate/business/enterprise world.
“Mind-the-Gap” Workshop Series is intended to be a grounds-up, collaborative and an inclusive effort. The sessions are expected to be based on an intensive, hands-on, interactive session design. The Workshop Series will have 3 phases, namely:
1. Phase 1: Kick-off Workshop
- To set the tone, intentions, expectations from the workshop series.
- To identify the top-5 gaps, prioritize and firm up action plan for the next set of workshops.
- To be conducted with the students of both programs across 2 sessions.
- Mahesh Baxi & Ketan Hajarnavis will act as facilitators and enablers.
2. Phase 2: Gap Workshops
- Based on the top-5 gaps, Mahesh & Ketan will conduct 5 workshops on each of the gaps.
- Each workshop will be broken down into 2 sessions each to cater to the students from the two programs.
- Mahesh Baxi & Ketan Hajarnavis will act as facilitators and enablers.
3. Phase 3: Round-up Workshop
- To round-up learning from previous workshops and use as a consolidated framework for way forward
Capacity & Duration
We expect each workshop / session to have about 50-70 students from across various colleges. Following table presents an indicative capacity plan:
Sample of gaps identified & bridged at various colleges
- Communication – includes how to ‘sell’ your self, confident communication, articulation, body language etc.
- Effective use of social media tools – for building personal brand irrespective of roles such as application developer, business analyst, quality analysts, sales or marketing.
- Problem Solving – How to look at the problem to get to root cause and solution approach.
Pictures from few workshops
Contact Us if you would like to conduct these workshops in your college including free complimentary workshop.