Mahesh Baxi

Negotiation is all about options. Customer love to see options. Always be prepared with valuable ones for applicable situation. - Mahesh Baxi

This page is a collection of quotes which resonated with me while reading their book or blog.
Negotiation is all about options. Customer love to see options. Always be prepared with valuable ones for applicable situation. - Mahesh Baxi
There isn't a place without (good or bad) politics. Understand political landscape well to avoid mines. - Mahesh Baxi
The best leaders are “situational” — they are able to step into any circumstance and recognize whether they need to engage at the strategy level or dive into the nitty-gritty. - Jack Stahl
If you don't understand what makes your customer "a champion" inside their organization, you can't champion a customer. - Mahesh Baxi
Physical proximity between leaders and employees isn't always feasible. But mental or emotional proximity is essential. - Boris Groysberg & Michael Slind
A firm's ability to weather storms depends on how seriously executives take risk management when the sun is shining and no clouds are on the horizon. - Robert S. Kaplan & Anette Mikes, taken from HBR Article on Managing Risks
No one can produce great results who is not thouroughly sincere in dealing with himself. - James Lowell, quoted from the book 'He Swam with Sharks for an Ice-Cream' authored by Dhaval Bathia
If you ask a person to do something within his grasp, he will see it as work, but if he is inspired to do something beyond his grasp, he will pursue it as a challenging quest. - Dhaval Bathia from the book 'He Swam with Sharks for an Ice-cream'
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge. and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. - Bertrand Russell from the book In-Sight on Sankara Nethralaya's passion for compassion.
Sustaining Innovation: Prolonging today's profits with yesterday's bold ideas. Disruptive Innovation: Making new rules for tomorrow. - Inder Sidhu from the book 'Doing Both'